Call for Papers

4th - 6th December
Urb-IoT is a part of


Urban spaces are man-made microcosms where a number of entities interact with each other to offer citizens a variety of services, for instance, buildings and infrastructure, transportation, utility, public safety, healthcare or education. The interplay between this multitude of connecting entities creates a complex system with dynamic human, material, and digital flows. By 2050 the world’s urban population is expected to grow by 72%. This steep growth creates an unprecedented urge for understanding cities to enable planning for the future societal, economic and environmental well-being of their citizens. The increasing deployments of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and the rise of the so-called‚ Sensored Cities‚ are opening up new avenues of research opportunities towards that future. Although, there have been a number of deployments of diverse IoT systems in the urban space, our understanding of these systems and their implications has just scratched the surface.

Submit paper


The goal of the conference is to solicit original and inspiring research contributions from technology experts, designers, researchers, urban planners, and architects in academia and industry. Bringing together practitioners and researchers to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices, Urb-IoT 2019 seeks multi-disciplinary contributions in the areas of:

Citizen Engagement: Methods and studies for citizen involvement through participatory sensing, crowd-sourcing, service co-creation or collective behavioural change.

Urban Analytics: Empowering cities and citizens with valuable and actionable analytics, obtained directly from traces created by IoT in the urban environment or indirectly from locative services.

IoT Applications and Services in Urban Context: Urban technologies and applications that challenge the state of the art and benefit citizens, policy makers, and urban planners.

Topics are themed by urban space and include, but are not limited to:

  • Monitoring the pulse of the city
  • Fusion of heterogeneous urban sources
  • Understanding urban data using machine learning and mining techniques
  • Urban analytics
  • City as a platform
  • Urban IoT infrastructures
  • Participatory and crowd sourcing techniques
  • Incentification and gamification
  • Collective behavioural change
  • Citizen and crowd influence
  • Data-driven urban planning and design
  • Crowd behaviour capturing and modelling
  • Urban mobility and intelligent transportation systems
  • Real time urban information systems
  • Context awareness in urban systems
  • Privacy and data protection


All registered papers will be submitted for publication by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.

Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, Ei Compendex, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).

All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:

Paper submission

Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section). The submission model is double blind.

Full Papers

Full paper submissions (not more than 12 pages) must present original, innovative, prospective and forward-looking research.
Successful submissions typically represent a major advance, referencing and relating the contribution to existing research work, giving a comprehensive, detailed and understandable explanation of a device, system, study, theory or method, and support the findings with a compelling evaluation and/or validation.

Short Papers

Short paper submissions (not more than 6 pages) are intended for more condensed work that is in a mature state as well, and thus ready for inclusion in the proceedings, but target more visionary concepts and built systems, without the need to fully elaborate on methodology, design or final evaluation.

Posters/Demonstrations Submissions

In addition to papers, we also have poster/demonstration session in the conference. Posters/Demonstration are also an important part of Urb-IoT program. They provide researchers with an opportunity to present their latest, cutting-edge research. Poster/Demonstration papers must not exceed three (3) pages with the same format of the regular papers, and will also be reviewed by the Program Committee.

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